This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXVIII Congress at Glasgow in 1999. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.


General Information

Important Dates




Thursday 5th
Friday 6th
Saturday 7th
Sunday 8th
Monday 9th
Wednesday 11th
Thursday 12th
Friday 13th

Room Bookings

Open Commission



Abstract Submission

Programme Categories



Social Events

General Assembly




    The IUCr 99 abstracts are nolonger available for viewing via the WWW


    The poster board measures 950mm x 1940mm in PORTRAIT i.e.

    • Poster sessions take place on Thursday 5th, Friday 6th, Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th, Monday 9th,Thursday 12th and Friday 13th August from 12:30 - 15:00hrs and on Wednesday 11th from 13:00 - 15:00hrs.
    • All poster sessions are held in the Exhibition Hall.
    • Posters will be changed on a daily basis
    • Please put up your poster between 9:00 and 11:00hrs on the day you are due to present it.
    • Posters must be fixed to the posterboards using velcro tabs. These will be available at the poster help desk which will be situated in the Exhibition Hall.
    • Please be present at your poster throughout the poster session. Food will be available nearby.
    • Posters must be removed by 17:30hrs on the day of the presentation.

    Key to the Abstract Code Numbers

    The abstract code numbers are constructed as follows:

    [1] An initial letter indicates the presentation type:

      K = Keynote Lecture
      M = Microsymposium Oral Presentation
      P = Poster Presentation
      C = Open Commission Meeting
      JMR = Monteath-Robertson Symposium

    [2] Two digits indicating the date in August when the presentation is scheduled.

    [3] Two digits equating to a particular session or category.

      This code is either the last two digits of the Microsymposium session OR
      The Main Category code.

    [4] Three digits indicating the sequence number of:

      An aural presentation within a Microsymposium session OR
      A poster presentation within a group of related posters.

    For example: would represent a poster presented on August 5th as part of the Microsymposium 05OC "Physical Properties and Structural Relationships". would represent a poster presented on August 5th in Category 04 "Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules".

    And: would represent a a talk delivered on August 5th in the Microsymposium 05DD "Optimisation Methods".

    Adrian Lapthorn
    Last modified: Wed Jan 12 15:29:45 GMT 2000