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H.-G. Krane | Background Reduction by a Vacuumchamber for Area Detectors |
H. Uekusa | Rapid X-ray Diffraction Measurement and Structure Analysis using Micro Strip Gas Chamber |
T. Higashi | Automated Imaging Plate Data Acquisition for Small Molecular Crystallography |
V.M. Aulchenko | One and Two-Coordinate Detectors for SSRC |
C. Svensson | More Than One Structure from a Single Data Collection? |
E.R. Hovestreydt | Latest Crystallographic Results on Biological Samples with Large Single CCD Detectors |
T. Huber | Data Collection with a Delta-Circle-Imageplate Diffractometer |
L.H. Straver | CCD Detector Systems for Single-Crystal Studies: Benefits of Scanning Four Axes Concurrently |
F. van Meurs | Measuring with Cu-Radiation on a Small CCD System; Fiction or Practice? |
K. Ito | Development of Arrayed CCD X-ray Detectors with a 100% Duty-Cycle Rate for Automated Protein Crystallography |
M. Meyer | KM4RED – the Data Reduction Program of the KM4CCD System |
D. Szebenyi | Area Detectors on Beamlines–Abstract Incorporating Large Area Detectors into Synchrotron Beamlines: The CHESS Experience |
R.D. Durst | The Optimal Gain and Dynamic Range of CCD Detectors for X-ray Diffraction |
K.S. Bartels | AUTOMAR: Data Reduction Software for MAR Detectors |
W.-H. Kaps | The Multiple-Detector System for the Powder Diffractometer at Beamline B2 (HASYLAB) |
B. Perman | Nanosecond Time-Resolved X-ray Crystallography: Early Structural Events in the Photocycle of a Xanthopsin |
H.D. Bartunik | Time-Resolved Protein Crystallography Based on Limited-Bandwidth Laue Data Collection with a CCD |
G.P. Shpenkov | A Wave Field of Probability and the Form of Crystals |
M. Ďurík | Prediction of Crystal Structures of Two Rare Sugars-Influence of Atomic Charge Types |
N.N. Eremin | Interatomic Potential Fitting for Structure Modelling of Alkaline Earth Cuprates |
P. Verwer | Computer Simulation to Predict Steroid Polymorphs |
A.G.G. Moliterni | EXPO: The Last Advances |
H.J. Lindner | Crystal Structure determination with the PIMM Force Field |
B.J. Campbell | The Cation-Ordered Super-Structure of Na6 Sodium Sodalite by Powder Diffraction and Computer Simulation |
R. Shirley | Developments in Powder Indexing: From CRYS2RUN to the Indexer's Workbench |
L. Lebioda | Structure of Formyltetrahydrofolate Synthetase from Clostridium thermoaceticum Determined by MAD |
L.C. Perkins | Trapping the Co3+- Insulin State by Semi-time-Resolved Cryo-Crystallography |
S. Adachi | Photolysis and Geminate Rebinding of CO Haemoglobin Studied by Single-Bunch Laue Diffraction |
V. Zaitsev | Human Ceruloplasmin: Crystallographic Study of the Substrate and Inhibitor Binding Sites |
R. Loris | Crystal Structure of CcdB, a Topoisomaerase Poison from E. Coli |
M.S. Alphey | Crystallisation of Crithidia fasciculata Tryparedoxin |
L. Delarbre | X-ray Structural Studies of the Cytoplasmic Molybdate-Binding Protein ModG |
Q. Huang | Topological Structure of Artificial Inhibitors Determined by X-ray Crystallography in Cyclohexane |
Y. Zhu | Crystal Structure of the Complex of Bovine b-Trypsin and MCTI-A, a Trypsin Inhibitor of Squash Family |
A.P. Purvis | Ligand Recognition by Serum Amyloid P Component |
I. Smatanová | Structure Determination of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 |
D. Thompson | Crystallographic Studies of Human C-Reactive Protein/Ligand Complexes |
D-B. Huang | Crystal Structure of an IkBa/Nf-kB Complex |
T. Izard | A New Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance: Crystal Structure of Chloramphenicol Phosphotransferase |
D.R. Hall | The Structure of the Molybdate-Dependent Transcriptional Regulator (ModE) from Escherichia coli |
L. Chantalat | MAD Structure of the Regulatory Subunit of Human Protein Kinase CK2 |
R. Syed | Crystal Structure of Human Erythropoietin Complexed to its Receptor at 1.9 Å |
A. Heine | Antibody Versus Enzyme Catalysis: Structural Studies of Aldolases |
S. Hirotsu | Crystal Structure of Rat HBP23, a Novel Antioxidant Protein |
K. Hamada | Crystal Structure of Protein Histidine Phosphatase SixA |
A.J. Chirino | Crystal Structure of Human Zn-a 2-Glycoprotein: A Fat-Depleting Factor Related to MHC Molecules |
W. Yang | Crystal Structures of DNA Mismatch Repair Proteins |
D.G. Gourley | The Structure of Pteridine Reductase 1 from Leishmania |
M.I. Mohamed Tahir | Chiral Recognition and Crystal Structures of Dca Inclusion Compound with Limonene |
M. Sugahara | Control of Molecular Cavities by Side Chain Length of Cholic Acid |
I. Zviedre | Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Sodium 1,1,1–trimethylolpropane borate trihydrate |
T. Maris | Phase Transitions in the Thiourea Cyclooctane Inclusion Compound |
P. Bombicz | Guest-Dependent Versatility in Crystals of a Bulky, Cyclopropane-Based Dicarboxylic Acid Host |
P. Williard | Organoalkali Metal Complexes for Organic Synthesis |
N. Sekine | Control of the Crystalline-State Photoracemisation by Forming the Host-Guest Complexes A |
R. de Gelder | Selective Complexation of Cephalosporin Antibiotics |
K. Suehiro | Inclusion Compounds Between Apocho-Lic Acid and Polyethers |
T.H. Brehmer | Polymorphism in Clathrate Structures |
T.H. Plumridge | Crystal Structure of Furan Clathrate Hydrate from Neutron Powder Diffraction Data |
J. Pielaszek | Interactions Guest-Host and Host-Guest in Selected Organic Zeolite Networks |
L.R. Nassimbeni | Inclusion Compounds of Alkaline-Earth Metal O,O'–Dibenzoyl Tartrates |
J.F. Malone | Alkali Metal Ion Recognition by Fluorescent Signalling Crown Ethers |
W-M. Bu | Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 1 or 2d Polyoxoanion Clusters Bridged by Inorganic Ligand |
M.M. Bhadbhade | Novel Coordination Polymeric Networks of Cobalt(II) Centres with N,N’ Bidentate Spacers and Their Inclusion Properties |
E.A. Zelbst | X-ray Study of Compounds of Hypervalent Silicon |
Y-L. Jang | Molecular Metalwires |
K.S. Wallwork | The Structural characterisation of Metal Ion Activated Supramolecular Receptor Molecules |
E.A. Il'inchik | Supramolecular Architecture of Mo3S7(dtc)4 (dtc = diethyldithiocarbamate) |
A.J. Blake | Supramolecular Isomerism in Inorganic Coordination Polymers |
R. Wang | Molecular Packing Analysis for Mixed Crystals of a Cobalt Complex |
H.K. Fun | b -Cyclodextrin and Butyl / Cyclohexyl (Aqua) Cobaloxime Inclusion Complexes |
F. Brisse | The Solid State Structure of a Series of Dithiins and Related Selenium Derivatives |
K. Ishida | The ATS Scattering of Iron Pyrite and Magnetite |
A.E.C. Spargo | Inversion of Dynamical Fast Electron Elastic Scattering from Crystals |
K. Matsuoka | Forbidden Reflection Near Edge Diffraction of Incommensurately Modulated Structure Rb2ZnCl4 |
E.N. Ovchinnikova | Resonant X-ray Diffraction by Modulated Crystals |
K. Okitsu | X-ray Double and Quadruple Phase Retarder Systems Compensating Spherical and Chromatic Aberrations |
I.R. Prudnikov | Darwin's Method in the Theory of X-ray Dynamical Diffraction in Distorted Crystals and Imperfect Crystalline Multilayered Structures |
H.B. Larsen | Interference Patterns from Semi-Infinite and Finite Crystals |
T. Takama | Application of Statistical Dynamical Theory to X-ray Diffraction Profile by Double-Crystal Method |
J. Zellner | On the Feasibility of Triplet Phase Determination from Non-Perfect Crystals |
H-C. Hu | Secondary Extinction in Cylindrical and Spherical Crystals for X-ray and Neutron Diffraction |
C.H. Chao | Quantitative Determination of Triplet Phase Invariants: Universality of Three-Wave Peak Profiles |
E. Iolin | Inelastic Neutron Scattering by Ultrasound in Crystals. Extinction Effects |
D. Sakaki | Thickness Dependence of X-ray Integrated Intensity from Silicon Crystals with Dislocations |
S. Scheidegger | Specimen Absorption Correction for Diffraction Experiments with Area Detector Systems |
Y.P. Stetsko | Three-Wave X-ray Diffraction: Polarisation Aspects of Phase Sensitivity |
M.V. Kovalchuk | X-ray Standing Wave Method Under Multi-Beam Diffraction Condition |
K. Schroer | Phase Sensitive Diffraction for One Dimensionally Distorted Crystals |
L.H. Avanci | Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Multiple Diffraction Applied to the Study of Electric Field Induced Strain in MBANP Organic Nonlinear Optical Crystals |
L.H. Avanci | Observation of Hysteresis-like Behaviour in Mna Organic Crystals using X-ray Diffraction |
K. Hummer | The Determination of the Absolute Structure of Low Z <= 7 Compounds by Three-Beam Diffraction |
J.P. Sutter | Many-Beam X-ray Diffraction from Silicon at Exact Backscattering |
Z. Barnea | New Precision Measurements of Atomic Form Factors using Synchrotron Radiation: Silicon, Copper, Silver and Gold |
C.T. Chantler | New Theory Resolving Discrepancies of Atomic Form Factors and Attenuation Coefficients for Near-Edge Soft X-rays |
C.T. Chantler | New Theory Resolving Discrepancies of Atomic Form Factors and Attenuation Coefficients for Near-Edge Soft X-rays |
R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve | Algorithms for Deriving crystallographic Space-Group Information |
M.S. Akchurin | Antisymmetry of Plastic Deformation |
T. Matsumoto | A Model with P1 Symmetry, Showing Cubic Symmetry M3m in Diffraction |
Y.M. Smirnov | Symmetry of Surface |
S. Rochal | Linear Continuous inhomogeneous Strains in Quasicrystals |
T-J. Lee | Structure Analysis of Bi2Sr2PrCu2O(8+d ) and (Bi(1–x)Pbx)2 Sr2CaCu2O(8+d ) Single Crystals using Weissenberg Method |
L. Häming | Treating Incommensurates as Quasi-Commensurate |
C-L. Guo | Fifty Eight New Silicon Carbide Polytypes |
N.B. Bolotina | Incommensurate Crystal structure of Lazurite |
A. Schönleber | The Modulated Structure of Quininium (R)-Mandelate–An Incommensurate Description in Superspace |
J.P. Wright | Neutron Diffraction Studies of Incommensurate Magnetic Order in Transition Metal Oxosalts |
F. Frey | On the Diffuse Layers in Decagonal Alconi Quasicrystals |
K. Saitoh | Structure of Decagonal Quasicrystals and Their Approximants with Fivefold Atom Clusters |
W. Sikora | Symmetry Analysis of Magnetic Ordering in RFe4Al8 (R = La, Ce, Y, Lu, and Tb) Compounds |
H. Katzke | Commensurate and incommensurate Li+-Ordering in e- and e¢-LixV2O5 As a Function of Temperature |
S. van Smaalen | Distortions of Second Order in the Incommensurate Cdw State of NiTa2Se7 |
M.A. Estermann | Weak Bragg Scattering in Icosahedral Mg–Y–Zn |
E.V. Olchanskaia | The Quasicrystal Models with the Discrete Spectrum |
M. Hosoya | Enumeration of Crystal-Structure Types using a Finite Supergroup of All the Bravais Lattices |
E. Koch | Self-Intersecting Minimal Surfaces: Spatial Subunits and Labyrinth Graphs |
S. Leoni | Tilings on Hyperbolic Surfaces As Representatives of Chemical Networks |
L. Loreto | Alpdmn Quasicrystals Revisited |
D. Joseph | The Growth of Quasicrystals |
V.E. Dmitrienko | Icosahedral Order and Disorder in Si and Ge |
K. Hradil | Temperature Behaviour of the Disorder Scattering in Decagonal Alnico Investigated by Synchrotron Radiation |
H. Takakura | Structural Analysis of an Al72Ni20Co8 Decagonal Quasicrystal |
A.L. Mackay | New Geometries for New Materials |
M. Surowiec | Crystallisation of Ga–Mg–Zn Alloy Near the Quasicrystal Phase Existence Region |
A. González | Atomic Resolution MAD Phasing |
M. Yamamoto | Trichromatic Concept for MAD Method at Spring-8 Riken Beamline I |
V. Stojanoff | Multiwavelength Anomalous Dispersion: Data Collection Strategy |
A.M. Deacon | Mad Phasing 370 kda from 70 Selenium Atoms: The Structure of ADP-L-Glycero–D–manno heptose–6–epimerase |
V. Jorík | Wavelet Denoising of Powder Diffraction Patterns |
J.S. Rutherford | Bond-Valence Distributions and the Symmetry of Chemical Graphs |
H.T. Stokes | Group-Theoretical Methods for Nonlinear Dynamics in Crystals |
B.S. Semukhin | Interpreting a Structure of Real Crystalline Materials |
A.A. Bagatur'yants | Theoretical Studies of the Structure and Catalytic Properties of Platinum-Gold Cluster Compounds |
A.A. Safonov | Ab initio Study of the Structure of a Pure (0001) Surface of b -Silicon Nitride and Surface Groups Chemisorbed on This Surface Under Conditions of Cvd from Dichlorosilane and Ammonia |
T. Beyer | Predictions of Crystal Packing for Carboxylic Acids using Accurate Intermolecular Potentials |
M. Bolte | Data Collection Strategies with a CCD-Diffractometer |
H. Graafsma | Deconvolution of the Psf of Area Detectors using the Maximum Entropy Method |
H. Borrmann | Problems with Simple Structures Caused by Λ/2 Contamination |
V.K. Ovcharov | Standard Reference Materials for Structural Investigations for Single and Powder Difractometers |
T. Gustafsson | On the Use of Equivalent Reflections |
A.K. Shrive | The Crystal Structure of an Invertebrate Pentraxin-Lectin with a Novel Molecular Assembly |
J. Fu | Yeast RNA Polymerase II Structure at 5 Å Resolution |
D.T. Logan | A Novel Protein Radical Site in the Crystal Structure of an Anaerobic Ribonucleotide Reductase |
M. Shoham | Colicin E3 and its Immunity Protein: An Enzymatic Cytotoxin and its Inhibitor |
S.B. Gabelli | The Structure of E. Coli ADP Ribose Hydrolase: A Paradigm for Nudix Hydrolases? |
C.A. Smith | The Crystal Structure of Folylpoly-Glutamate Synthetase to 2.4 Å Resolution |
M. Huang | Crystal Structure determination of the Small GTPase Sar1, a Regulator for Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Budding |
J.R. Helliwell | Structure and Function Studies of Hydroxymethylbilane Synthase |
R. Kort | Laue-Diffraction at Id09: Time-Resolved Studies on Photoactive Protein Crystals at Physiological Temperatures |
R. Henderson | Electron Diffraction of Trapped Bacteriorhodopsin Intermediates |
E.V. Shalaeva | Structural State of Beta(CsCl)-Solid Solution in Quenched Quasicrystal-Forming Alloys Al–Cu–Fe |
I.N. Mochtchenko | Approximate Symmetry of the Quasicrystals |
A. Yamamoto | Diffraction Patterns of Dd–Ta–Te Quasicrystals with Fractal Occupation Domains |
J.A. Kaduk | Terepthalate Salts. Salts of Monopositive Cations |
U. Kolb | Electron Crystallography on NLO-Active Compounds |
A. Olsen | Crystal Structure determination of z -AgZn |
X.D. Zou | Trice – A Program for Reconstructing 3-D Reciprocal Space and Determining Unit Cell Parameters |
A. Vegas | Recognising Fragments of the Noble Gases Structures in Their Compounds |