CCP4 are holding a 1-day informal introductory course to the CCP4 suite of programs for protein crystallography on the opening day of the IUCr congress, 4th August. The programme is not yet finalised, but will consist of introductory talks (provisional speakers: Kevin Cowtan, Eleanor Dodson, Phil Evans, Garib Murshudov, Martyn Winn), as well as more detailed discussions and/or problem solving in small groups. More details will be posted here as they become known. The course is aimed at students and those relatively new to the CCP4 suite, and will be similar in spirit to that held at the beginning of last year's ECM conference in Prague.
Lunch will be provided, but delegates must make their own travel and
accomodation arrangements (via registration for the main IUCr conference).
To register for this workshop, please fill out the
registration form. No acknowledgement will
be sent, but a list of registrations received is available
here. Numbers will be limited to 100 - in the
case of there being more applicants, we will try to select those who
will gain most and also try to achieve an even spread over institutions.
In case of queries, please email