This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXVIII Congress at Glasgow in 1999. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.


General Information

Important Dates





Room Bookings

Open Commission Meetings



Abstract Submission Deadlines
What next?
Late Abstracts

Programme Categories



Social Events

General Assembly Papers



    Call for Papers & Instructions for Abstract Submission


    The Abstracts deadline for Bursary applications has now passed. The general Abstract deadline was the 1st February 1999.

    Submission Methods

    We will only accept abstracts electronically using the web or e-mail.
    For web submission the abstract web site is
    For e-mail submission the address is
    You should only use one method of sending your abstract - if you upload or attach a file via the Web do not send it by email, and vice versa.

    We can accept documents in Word, WordPerfect, LaTeX, HTML, RTF and plain ASCII format.

    If you are in any doubt as to whether your abstract has been transmitted do not re-send it. All the information you send us will be mirrored back to you within a few minutes, including the size of any file we have received, so this should be an adequate check. Do not send duplicate copies. If you are still in any doubt, send an e-mail to

    Hard copy will not be accepted. In cases of genuine difficulty contact Professor J.A.K.Howard at Department of Chemistry, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. e-mail: There will be a surcharge of £30.00 associated with such submissions.

    Abstract Submission Instructions

    The entire abstract, including title, authors and their affiliations, footnotes, references, diagrams, tables, equations, etc., must fit into a rectangle 13cm wide by 17cm high use the symbol font for special characters, such as greek letters.

    The title should be in UPPER CASE letters in bold and should contain not more than 100 characters. Titles with more than 100 characters will truncated. A 2.5cm indentation must be left in the first line for insertion of the abstract number. The authors' names and institutions should follow on immediately from the title and should be be in upper and lower case.

    The paper must be presented by the author named first in the abstract. No one may be first author on more than ONE contributed paper. Invited speakers, however, are permitted to submit a poster presentation in addition to their talk.

    Three keywords must also be supplied; these are used for the index. You will also need to supply a category number which you select from the Programme Categories page

    Include graphics only if they will help get your point across, and if they will reproduce well in black and white - the Programme and Abstract book will not be printed in colour. Please remember that the area of the printed abstract is small (typically 4 per double column A4 page) and that the graphic will be correspondingly small. Try to help us to make the process efficient (and the Web pages more rapidly accessible) by saving your diagrams at the correct size and in grey-scale (or at a much reduced colour depth) before including them in your abstract.

    Abstracts for invited papers must be submitted in the same manner as those for contributed papers and are subject to the same late abstract fees as given below.

    Abstracts not conforming to the layout instructions will be returned to the author for revision and should be resubmitted before the deadline. Late fees will apply to any revisions arriving late.

    A typical abstract layout is shown below:

    PREPARING ABSTRACTS FOR THE IUCr 1999 CONGRESS. C.C. Wilson and K. Shankland,ISIS Facility, CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK. and C.J. Gilmore, Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.

    The abstract submission for the IUCr XVIII Congress in Glasgow is entirely electronically based [1]. The text here and on the Web pages are intended to explain the procedures we will use, what you need to do to submit your abstract and give us the information we need, and what happens to your abstract after you have submitted it.

    The general Abstract deadline is 1 February 1999, while the Abstract deadline for Bursary applications is 15 January 1999.

    We can accept abstracts either by Web submission (very much our preferred option) or by e-mail. The Abstracts Web site is, where the Web based submission can be accessed. Later, this site will also be used to display the accepted abstracts. The e-mail address for Abstract submission is and all queries regarding these is

    1. C.C.Wilson , K. Shankland & C.J. Gilmore (1999). I.U.Cr. Abstracts, 18, 1999.

    WWW submission

    Use your web navigator to access and follow the instructions.

    Direct E-mail submission

    The text of your abstract can also be included directly as an e-mail to text must be included between the {Begin Abstract} and {End Abstract} lines, or you can Attach a document in Word, WordPerfect, LaTeX, HTML, RTF and plain ASCII format, in which case there is no need to include the {Begin Abstract} and {End Abstract} lines.

    Fill in all the fields in this template file and submit with either text directly in the e-mail, or with an attached document. Total width of abstract 13cm Total height of abstract 17cm maximum including all References

    TITLE :
    DEPT. :
    STREET :
    CITY :
    EMAIL :
    LINK WWW : Y/N (default=Y)
    FAX :
    ABS ON WWW : Y/N (default=Y)
    BURSARY APP : Y/N (default=N)
    OXCRYO PRIZE : Y/N (default=Y)
    KEYWORD 1 :
    KEYWORD 2 :
    KEYWORD 3 :
    {Begin Abstract}
    {End Abstract}

    A template with this information is available by ftp:

      Name: anonymous
      Password:{your email address as password}
      >cd pub
      >get template.txt

    What happens after abstract submission

    Once the abstract is received and acknowledged, you will be given a raw abstract number, which should be used in all communications with the Abstract Office. You should also quote this abstract number on your Registration Form. This is particularly important for those applying for bursaries, where the submitted abstract is part of the allocation process.

    The abstracts will then be assessed by the Programme Committee (or the Bursary Committee), to judge both its scientific quality and the correct choice of session. Once the abstract is deemed to be acceptable, it will be posted on the World Wide Web (assuming you have not withheld permission for this to happen) and will be issued on a CD-ROM sponsored by Oxford Cryosystems at the Congress. The abstracts from the Congress will also be published as a special Supplement to Acta Crystallographica Section A at the end of 1999.

    At this stage you will be informed by e-mail and given the opportunity to check the interpretation of your abstract. If we have made a mistake you should alert us at this point. If you discover you have made a mistake, there will be a £30.00 penalty payment required for modifications.

    Subsequently, once the microsymposia programmes have been finalised, you will be assigned a poster or microsymposium number, which will refer to the time, place and location of your presentation at the Congress. The WWW server will be searchable by both your raw abstract number and the new code by this time, and will be arranged to reflect the published programme.

    Late Abstracts

    Abstracts arriving after the deadline, or which are modified at the author's request after the deadline, will incur a late surcharge of £30.00. This must be paid with your registration.

    Please feel free to contact the queries Office at any point with any queries (, Fax no: + 44 (0) 1235 445720)

    Adrian Lapthorn
    Last modified: Fri Jul 9 02:44:03 BST 1999