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S.A. Murphy | Crystal Structure Determination of Pharmaceuticals from Powder X-ray Diffraction |
E.D.L. Smith | Structure Determination from Powder X-ray Diffraction Data: Application to Hydrogen-Bonded Systems |
Y. Kojima | Ab initio Powder Structure Analysis of Two Polymorphs of Dihydroxysilicon Phthalocyanine |
L. McBride | Crystal Structures of Remacemide Base, Nitrate and Acetate from X-ray Powder Diffraction Data |
A. Neels | Transition Metal Complexes Containing New Pyrazine Derived Ligands: Structure Determination from Lab X-ray Powder Data |
L.E. Ochando | Crystal Structure of 3,5–Di–iso–propyl–4–nitro–pyrazole from X-ray Powder Diffraction Data |
M. Brunelli | In-Situ Study of the Solid Structure of HCFCS and HFCD by X-ray Powder Diffraction |
A.J. Markvardsen | Space Group Determination from a Sample of Powder Diffraction Intensities using a Bayesian Method |
D.R. Boer | A Model That Correlates Side-Chain Conformations of FF-MAS Related Compounds and their Activities |
M.Y. Mizutani | An Efficient Flexible Search Method to Discover New Ligands from 3D Database Based on Automatic Docking |
S. Fujii | Structural Information Data-Base and Model Building using Kink Parameters of Nucleic Acid Structures |
B.G. Oliva | Structure of Apo T. Cruzi Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase: Implications for Drug Design |
K.S. Wilson | Enzyme Specificity As Modelled by a Series of Six Methylases in the Vitamin B12 Biosynthetic Pathway |
M. Miller | Model of Macrophage Stimulating Protein b Chain, a Domain Responsible for Receptor Binding |
Y. Han | Roles of the Short-Range and Long-Range Interactions on Protein Loop Conformation |
T. Inoue† | X-ray Crystallographic Study of Human Heamatopoietic Prostaglandin D2 Synthase |
E. Hendry | The Growth and Analysis of Human Thyroid Peroxidase Crystals |
M. Cygler | Crystal Structure of Chondroitinase B from F. Heparinum with a Dermatan Sulphate Disaccharide Product |
J.K. Dattagupta | X-ray Structure of an Inhibitor Protein and Location of its Second Reactive Site |
E. Schröder | X-ray Structural Studies with Human Thioredoxin Peroxidase |
H. Walden | Probing the Structural Basis of Protein Thermostability |
R. Natesh | Crystal Structure and Primary Sequence of Thermoascus Aurantiacus Xylanase: Basis of Thermostability |
P. Heikinheimo | Mechanism of Phosphoryl Hydrolysis; What Makes an Enzyme a Good Catalyst? |
A.J. Milner | A New Class of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase |
F. von Delft | ADC Esters, Autocleavage and Catalysis: What the Structures Say |
D. Lecerof | Ferrochelatase in Complex with an Inhibitor, N-Methyl Mesoporphyrin |
K. Harata | Crystal Structure of Aromatic Amino Acid Aminotransferase from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
K. Hamada | Crystallographic Studies of Aspartate Aminotransferase from a Thermophilic Cyanobacterium |
E. Horjales | Entropic Allosteric Effect Found Through the X-ray Structure of the Glucosamine 6-Phosphate Deaminase from E. Coli |
K. Yamamoto | Crystal Structure of an E96A Mutant of Glucose Dehydrogenase from Bacillus megaterium |
P. Harris | Crystallisation of Orotidine 5'-Monophosphate Decarboxylase |
J.N. Varghese | Structure of an Exoglucanase Complexed with Conduritol B Epoxide from a 50m Crystal using Monocappilary Optics |
M. Yao | The Crystal Structure of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Deaminase from Yeast |
W.N. Shannon | Human and Bacterial Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase: Implications of Specific Structural Changes |
L.L. Leggio | Crystals of Maltose Transacetylase |
S. Eschenburg | The Critical Role of Solvent Molecules in the Induced Fit-Mechanism of the Antibiotic Target MurA |
T. Nakatsu | Crystal Structure of Luciola cruciata Firefly Luciferase Complexed with MgATP |
J.B. Thoden | Structural Studies on Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase |
L.M. Sampaleanu | @#@d Crystallin: A Model for Studying the Enzymatic Mechanism of Argininosuccinate Lyase |
E. Rudiño-Piñera | Structure of T and R Conformers from a Mutant (K160E) of GLCN6P Deaminase with Michaelis-Type Kinetics |
Y. Kai | X-ray Structure of Mn2+-Bound Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from E. Coli |
M.L. Hackert | Mouse Ornithine DC: Suicide Inhibitor Complex with DFMO and Stereochemical Implications |
M.C. Oliver-Salvador | Crystallisation and Preliminary X-ray Structure Analysis of a Cysteine Protease from the Pileus mexicanus Latex: Mexicain |
A. Yamashita | Structural Basis for Stereospecific Oxidoreduction: Crystal Structures of Two Tropinone Reductases |
F. Nygaard | Allosteric Regulation of 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-Pyrophosphate Synthase |
A.O. Smalås | The Crystal Structures of the Complexes Between Bovine Beta-Trypsin and Ten P1 Variants of BPTI |
M. Niederhut | Structure of Human Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase at 1.9 Å |
K.M. Fox | Crystallographic Structure of Thymidylate Synthase from Bacillus subtilis |
I.J. MacRae | Structure of APS Kinase: An Enzyme Involved in Sulphur Assimilation |
A. Schmidt | Structure of the Human N5,N10-Methylentetrahydro-Folate Dehydrogenase/ Cyclohydrolase Bound to the Inhibitor N5,N10-Carbonyl-Tetrahydro-Folate |
G. Kurisu | Crystal Structure Analysis of Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase from Maize Root |
L.W. Guddat | Crystal Structure of Mammalian Purple Acid Phosphatase to 1.55 Å Resolution |
M. Tanokura | Molecular Mechanism of Substrate Analogue Recognition by Flavin Reductase, FRase I, from Bioluminescent Bacterium |
P. Storici | The Crystal Structure of GABA-Aminotransferase, a Target for Antiepileptic Drug Therapy |
Z-J. Liu | Preliminary Crystallographic Studies of a Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) Synthetase from Pyrococcus furiosus |
D. Bordo | Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of the Rhodanese from Azotobacter vinelandii |
V.-M. Leppänen | Pyruvate Formate Lyase Large Domain: The Second Member of the Ribonucleotide Reductase Family |
G. Koellner | Crystal Structures of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases from Micro-organisms |
C.C.S. Deivanayagam | Crystal Structure of Repetitive B-Domain of the Collagen Binding Surface Protein of Staph. Aureus |
S. Benini | A New Structure-Based Reaction Mechanism for Urease: Why Urea Hydrolysis Costs Two Nickels |
L. Smith | Crystallographic Studies of Jack Bean Urease in Complex with an Antibody Fragment |
A. Pearson | Structural Studies on Human and Bovine Xanthine Oxidase |
N. Shibata | Structure of Diol Dehydratase Reveals a New B12-Binding Mode and a Role of Essential Potassium Ion |
M.A. Hough | Structures of CuZn Superoxide Dismutase in Two Crystal Forms: Suggestions of a Functional Asymmetry in this Enzyme |
H. Ogata | Crystal Structure of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase in Reduced Form at 1.4 Å Resolution |
F.E. Dodd | Crystallographic and Electron Donation Studies of Nitrite Reductase |
S.V. Antonyuk | The Structure of Di-Manganese Catalase from Thermus thermophilus at 1.0 Å Resolution |
P.A. Williams | Crystal Structure of Mammalian Cytochrome P450 |
A.L. Carvalho | Crystallographic Studies on Xanthine Oxidase Purified from Rat Liver |
J.M. Rebelo | Refinement of the Aldehyde Oxido-Reductase from Desulfovibrio gigas (MOP) at 1.28 Å |
C.A. Cunha | X-ray Studies of a Nitrite Reductase: Preliminary Results |
C.M. Hosfield | Combining Calcium-Dependent Regulation with Protease Activity–Crystal Structure of Calpain |
S. Teixeira | Crystallographic Studies of D. gigas Formate Dehydrogenase |
S.-Y. Park | Crystal Structures of Ferric-NO Complexes of Fungal Nitric Oxide Reductase and its Ser286 Mutants |
J.M. Guss | A Proline-Specific Aminopeptidase with a Dinuclear Manganese Centre |
H.L. Carrell | Studies in Frustration : The Structure of Bovine Porphobilinogen Synthase |
J.P. Glusker | Which Functional Groups Does a Divalent Metal Ion Most Like to Bind To: Structure and Energetics |
T. Gleichmann | The Role of Iron Binding Deduced from Crystal Structures of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase |
K.D. Hardman | Comparison of Zinc Ligand Coordination of Matrix Metalloproteases and Inhibitor Complexes |
H. Erlandsen | Crystal Structure of Human Phenylalanine Hydroxylase in Native and Inhibitor Bound Forms |
K. Sugimoto | Crystal Structure of a Dioxygenase LigAB Which is a Protocatechuate-4,5-dioxygenase |
P.T. Erskine | The Structures of 5-Aminolaevulinate Dehydratase from E. coli and Yeast |
W.N. Hunter | The Structure of a Class II Aldolase Complexed with PGH Reveals Details of Mechanism and Specificity |
V.V. Barynin | The Structure of Di-Manganese Catalase from Lactobacillus Plantarum at 1.8 Å Resolution |
L-L. Olsson | Crystal Structures of Fragments Tr1c and Tr2c from Calmodulin |
S.M. Fabiane | Metallo-b-Lactamase from B. Cereus 569/H: Mono- or Bi-Nuclear Enzyme? |
I. Harvey | 1.27 Å Crystal Structure of Rusticyanin and Point Mutations of Ser86 and Met148 |
T. Sasaki | Crystal Structure of Porphyra Yezoensis Cytochrome C6 |
T. Ursby | Iron Superoxide Dismutase from the Hyperthermophile Sulfolobus Solfataricus |
C.L. Colbert | Toward Improved Biodegradation of PCBS: Structures of Components of Biphenyl Dioxygenase |
A.D. Cameron | Structure and Reaction Mechanism of Glyoxalase II |
M.E. Stroupe | High Resolution Structure of the Active Site of the Hemoprotein from Sulfite Reductase |
A. Kita | Crystal Structure of Catechol-2,3-Dioxygenase (Metapyrocate Chase) from Pseudomonas putida mt-2 |
K.A. Magnus | Structures of Subunits IIIa and IV Illuminate Cooperative Oxygen Binding by Limulus Hemocyanin |
H. Aoyama | Crystallisation and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of Aconitase from Thermus Thermophilus HB8 |
N. Igarashi | Crystal Structure of Hydroxylamine Oxydoreductase in an Orthorhombic Form |
I. Bento | Three-Dimensional Structure of the Reduced Form of a Nine Haem Cytochrome C at pH 7.5 and pH 9.5 |
S. Swaminathan | Structure - Function Relationships in Botulinum Neurotoxin Type B |
V. Srinivasan | Towards the Crystal Structure Determination of Glycerol Dehydrogenase from Thermotoga maritima |
A. Pesce | Crystallographic Study of Haemoglobin from the Green Alga C. eugametos |
H. Yamaguchi | Structural Studies of Derivatives of Copper-Containing Amine Oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis |
M.N. Isupov | Crystal Structure of the Vanadium Dependent Haloperoxidase from C. officinalis |
N. Okazaki | Molecular Evolutionary Aspects of Plastocyanins Based on Crystal Structures |
M.A. Dingwall | Crystals of FAB+HCG Complex and FABS |
K. Decanniere | Camelid Single-Domain Antibodies: More New Features |
K. Maenaka | Crystal Structure of the Human P58 Killer Cell Inhibitory Receptor (KIR2DL3, NKAT2) |
S. Ikemizu | Crystal Structure of CD2-Binding Domain of CD58 |
M.A.M. Ramadan | The Structure of Calcium-Depleted Human C-Reactive Protein from Perfectly Twinned Crystals |
E. Hohenester | Structure of a Scavenger Receptor Cysteine-Rich Domain Sheds Light on an Ancient Superfamily |
A. Nakagawa | The Crystal Structure of MRP8, a Member of S100 Calcium-Binding Protein Family, at 1.9 Å Resolution |
H. Sugimoto | Crystal Structure of Human D-Dopachrome Tautomerase at 1.54 Å Resolution |
J.M. Lally | Crystal Structure of the SM3 Antibody Against Polymorphic Epithelial Mucin MUC1 |
L.F. Iversen | Glycosylation and Function? Structural and Biological Characterisation of Nonglycosylated and Glycosylated HBP |
A.K. Pedersen | Human Heparin Binding Protein: Structure and Function of Two Mutants |
G. Zanotti | Structural Studies on a N-Terminally truncated C3d,g Fragment of the Complement System |
G. Guncar | Crystal Structure of MHC Class II Associated Invariant Chain Fragment in Complex with Cathepsin L |
S.E. Mylvaganam | Structural Basis for the Binding of an Anti-Cytochrome C Antibody to its Antigen |
H. Li | High Resolution Crystal Structure of Free Antibody HYHEL-63 and Complex with its Antigen Hen Egg-White Lysozyme |
M.K. Boehm | Structure of the Single-Chain FV MFE-23: Intermolecular Contacts Provide a Model for Antibody-Antigen Interactions |
J.A. Speir | Large Peptide and Glycopeptide Antigen Presentation by MHC Class I Molecules |
X-D. Su | The Crystal Structure of Horseshoe Shaped Hemolin Monomer: A Novel Mechanism for Homophilic Adhesion? |
A.C. Bloomer | 1.9 Å Structure of Therapeutic Antibody CAMPATH-1H Fab in Complex with a Synthetic Peptide Antigen |
M. Håkansson | The Structure of the Superantigen Staphylococcal Enterotoxin H Determined to 1.7 Å Resolution |
N.K. Vyas | The 2.16 Å Refined Structure of 38 kDa Protein Antigen B (Pab) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
T.J. Greenhough | Structure, Function and Evolution of Serum Pentraxins from Invertebrates to Humans |
J.A. Read | Chloroquine Binds to L-Lactate Dehydrogenase in the Malarial Parasite Plasmodium falciparum |
S.I. Patenaude | Single Point-Mutation Yields 30-Fold Increase in Binding Affinity of a Carbohydrate-specific SCFV |
P.A. Ramsland | Incomplete Mimicry of the Rodent by a Humanised Form of an Anti-g-Interferon Antibody |
D. Alexeev | The Structure and Mechanism of the Biotin Biosynthetic Enzymes |
Y. Kawano | New Crystal Form and High-Resolution Analysis of Photo-Reactive Nitrile Hydratase in the Active Form |
M. Gajhede | Structural Allergology: Mapping B-Cell Epitopes from Crystallographic Data |
H. Kondo | Crystal Structure Analysis of Fv Fragment of Antibody (HyHEL10) Complexed with Hen Egg Lysozyme |
R.S. Williams | Crystal Structure of S. Cerevisiae UBC1 - Conformational Freedom in a Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme |
E.H. Johansson | Crystal Structure of a Mammalian Purple Acid Phosphatase with a m-hydroxo-bridged di-Iron Center |
A.P.J. Brunskill | The Use of Keto Carboxylic Acids as a Model System for Crystal Structure Prediction |
G. Punte | Intramolecular Nonbonding Interactions Between Halogen and Oxygen |
C.H. Gorbitz | Supramolecular Assembly of Hydrophobic Dipeptides into Molecular Honeycomb Patterns |
J.A. Rusanova | Extended Multidecker Sandwich Architecture of the Cs+ 18-Crown-6 Complexes |
J. Starbuck | Inter-Molecular Interactions in p-Block Chemistry: Towards Crystal Engineering Based on Secondary Bonding |
I. Dance | Polyiodide Networks in Crystals |
B.F. Ali | Phenyl Embraces in the Crystal Supramolecularity of Compounds containing PhS–, Ph4P+, XPh3 and Sn |
N.L. Smirnova | Stoichiometric Coefficients, Multiplicities and Positions |
A.A. Belik | Cation Distributions and Properties of Some Whitlockite-like Compounds |
S.F. Solodovnikov | Unexpected Potassium Disorder in Crystal Structures of Rhenium (III) Thiochalide Cluster Compounds |
I.Y. Nikiforov | Structural Change in Cubic Boron Nitride / Diamond Alloy |
K-J. Lin | p –Stacked Coordination Frame-Works Formed from Assembly of Binuclear Metal Squarate Infinite Chains |
S. Nakamura | Roles of Guest Molecules in Decavanadate Crystals |
A.I. Kolesnikov | Verdet Constant of Tellurium Dioxide Acousto-optic Single Crystals |
H. Nakatsuka | Cation Distribution of MgAl2O4-MgFe2O4 Spinel Solid-Solution |
R.J. Butcher | The Structures of Metal Complexes of the Schiff Base Ligand Derived from 2-(2-Aminoethylamino)ethanol |
K. Kirschbaum | Trigonal Prismatic and Octahedral Hexakis(methylbenzenethiolato) Zirconate Complexes |
R.R. Mijangos | Generalised Vegard’s Law |
V. McKee | Crystal Engineering of Iron Spin-transitions |
G.T. Lawson | Multianionic Phosphazenates |
V.R. Thalladi | The Melting Point Alternation in a ,w -Alkane Diols and a ,w -Alkane Diamines |
R. Cortés | Crystal Structure of the 1-D Compound [Cu(NCS)2bpk]n (bpk = bis-2-Pyridiylketone) |
I.M. Mavridis | Influence of the Guest on the Packing of Dimeric a -Cyclodextrin Complexes |
U. Schell | Microscopic Studies on Crystals of Insulin Mutated at Crystal Contact Surfaces |
J. O’Leary | Attractive Interactions in Two Novel Peri-Naphthalene Derivatives |
A. Reyes | C-H...O Hydrogen Bonds Observed by X-ray Diffraction in Bisimine Self Molecular Assembly |
Z. Žák | Structures of Two New Nickel 42-Oxo- Dodecatungstates |
M.G. Barandika | Structural Analysis of the 2-D Compound [Mn(N3)2bpa]N (bpa = 1,2-bis-(4-pyridiyl) ethane) |
A. Zhilyaeva | Effect of Al Doping on Structural Characteristics and Super-Conductivity of RE-123-Type Single Crystals |
L. Shvanskaya | Structural Features of Superconducting and Non-superconducting [M2Cu2O3]5[CuO2]7-Type (M = Sr, Ca, Bi) Phases |
L. Leonyuk | Isomorphism and Superconductivity in Complex Cuprates |
A. Hussain | Studies of Molybdenum Doped Potassium and Cesium Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze |
D.Y. Chernyshov | Crystal Structure and Lattice Dynamics of Rare Earth Hexaborides |
V.S. Mel’nikov | Anomalous Composition and Temperature Dependence of the Structural Parameters for the NdBa(2-x)NdxCu3O7-d Solid Solutions |
I.A. Matveenko | New Gadolinium Polysulfide Cell: 12-Fold PbFCl-Type Superstructure |
H. Yamada | Lattice Distortion in High-Tc Superconductor La(2-x)SrxCuO4 |
F. Liebau | Secondary Chemical Bonds as Conduction Path of Photo-Semiconducting Electrons: A Case Study |
J.-E. Jørgensen | Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Tb(2-x)Ba(2+x)Ti2Cu (2+x)O11 |
S. Edo | Structural Change in YBa2Cu3Ox Crystals by H2O Absorption |
E. Tkalcec | Structural Investigation of SnO2 Doped with Antimony |
J. van Duijn | Magnetic Order and Structure Investigations of RB2C2 Rare Earth Borocarbides |
C.-H. Chang | Crystal Structure Solution of Compound Semiconductor Cu3In7Se12 from Combined Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction, X-ray Powder Diffraction, and X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Data |
M. Anis-Ur-Rehman | Variation of Cu in Bi-Based High-Tc Superconductors |
J.M. Delgado | Structural Relationships Present in the CuFeX2 (X = S, Se, and Te) Family of Semiconductors |
J. Palacios-Gómez | Rolling and Recrystallisation Textures in Pure Silver Sheet |
Y. Matsui | HRTEM Analysis of New Oxycarbonate Superconductors Doped with Nitrogen |
I. Bryntse | Structure Investigations of Doped Hg-Containing Superconducting Oxides |
D.A. Kovtun | Study of Atomic Distribution Functions in Perovskite Crystals |
A.R. Lebedinskaya | Effects of Short-ordering in PMN Crystals |
A.R. Lebedinskaya | Influence of Composition Relation Mg:Nb in PMN on its Properties |
V.V. Luparev | New Phases in La-Cu-O and (La,Ba)-Cu-O Systems: Synthesis, Composition, Structures, Peculiarities |
O. Lavrova | Structure Determination of Lead Indoniabate and Lead Ferroniobate Crystals |
V. Jennings | Computational Simulations of Novel A-Site Substituted Perovskites |
G.O. Jones | Investigation of the Structure and Phase Transitions in the Ferroelectric Crystal Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 |
G.A. Geguzina | Interatomic Bond Strains Effect on Ferroelectric Properties of NaNbO3-Based Solid Solutions |
G. Wittenburg | Structural Relationships of Triiodometallates of Germanium (II), Tin (II) and Lead (II) with Methylammonium Ions |
A. Ratuszna | Structural and Dynamical Studies of the Orthorhombic NaZnF3 Perovskite at Low Temperatures |
W. Wong-Ng | Crystallographic Study of the High- and Low-Temperature Forms of Bi2(Sr,Ca)4Ox |
J.M.S. Skakle | Neutron Diffraction Studies of Oxygen-Deficiency in Hexagonal Barium Titanate |
N. Takesue | X-ray Diffuse Scattering Study on Atomic-Disordering Effects in Relaxor Lead Scandium Niobate |
G. Baldinozzi | Real Structure of Ferro-Electric Lead Perovskites |
L. Morales | X-ray and Magnetisation Study of Sn Doped LaMnOy Perovskite |
H. Homeida | The Crystal Structure of the Compound Cs3Mg2Cl7 |
H. Sakashita | Configuration of A1 and A2 Sites on the Microwave Dielectric Ba(6-3x)Sm(8+2x)Ti18O54 Solid Solutions |
C.N.W. Darlington | Phase Transitions in Sodium Niobate |
H. Horiuchi | Structure Change and Phase Transition of Perovskite-Type ABO3 Due to the Ionic Substitution |
B.C. Chakoumakos | Thermoelectric Clathrates |
E.V. Boldyreva | The Anisotropy of Structural Distortion of Co(III) Nitroammines at High Pressure |
S. Parsons | The Influence of Temperature and Pressure on Acetone |
S.A. Petrova | High-Temperature X-ray Diffraction Study of Al-Ni-Cr Intermetallic Compound Alloyed with Vanadium and Titanium |
D.Y. Naumov | Low Temperature Crystal Growth & Multiple Temperature Structural Study of Cu(H2PO2)2 and its Complexes |
I.S. Braude | Structural Changes of Titanium Under Electro Thermal Treatment in Liquid Nitrogen Environment |
R. Rudman | A Scheme for Uniquely Labelling Polymorphic Phases |
M.Y. Tashmetov | Phase Transformations in Titanium Oxycarbide |
Y. Yoshimura | X-ray Diffraction and Calorimetric Studies on Phase Transition in CsPbCl3 |
H. Ishibashi | The Crystal Structure of Spinel-type CuIr2S4 at Low Temperature |
H.-C. Freiheit | 7Li and 23Na Spin–Lattice-Relaxation in LiNaSO4 |
T. Ohba | Elastic Scattering from Intermediate State in AuCd Alloys |
V.K. Yatsenko | The Elastic Softening Under the Commensurate–Incommensurate Phase Transition |
A.N. Sadkov | Complex Investigation of the Superionic Compounds |
G.M. Mironova | Non-equilibrium States in Solids As Studied using the Most Powerful Neutron Source IBR-2 |
A.V. Yeremenko | Method of Determination of Multi-K Structures |
T. Chatterji | On the Ground State of NaV2O5 |
V.N. Molchanov | Averaged Structure Response to Superconductivity |
K. Inoue | Martensitic Trasformation and Magnetic Transition of Heusler-Type Ni2MnGa-Based Compounds |
H. Nakao | Direct Observation of Charge Ordered State in NaV2O5 |
A. Puig-Molina | Study of the Metastable Excited State MS1 of Na2[Ru(NO2)4NOOH].2H2O by Synchrotron Radiation |
A.K. Todd | Displacement of Water in the DNA Major Groove by a DNA Intercalator at Atomic Resolution |
J. Pandit | Crystal Structures of Human Squalene Synthase Enzyme–Inhibitor Complexes |
J.R. Knox | Structure of SHV-1 b-Lactamase and its Complex with Tazobactam |
R.A. Reynolds | The Structure of the Catalytic Subunit of CDC25B at 1.9 Å Resolution |
C.H. Schwalbe | Crystallographic and Computational Comparison of Isomeric Anti-mycobacterial Amidrazones |
R. Meijers | Atomic Resolution Structures of ADH |
M.M. Teeter | Patterns in Water-Protein Disorder Substrates and Peptide Geometry in Crambin Crystals at 0.54 Å Resolution |
A.A. Vagin | Multi-Purpose External Reference File for Macromolecules |
C. Lecomte | On Building a Data Bank of Transferable Experimental Electron Density Parameters: Application to Very High Resolution Protein Structures |
H.F. Grünsteudel | Instrumentation for Nuclear Resonant Scattering in High Pressure Research |
A. Barla | Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation by 119Sn |
M. Okube | Anharmonic Effective Pair Potential of a-AGI Type Cubr Determined by EXAFS Under Pressure |
D.P. Kozlenko | Neutron Scattering Study of Structure and Dynamics of Ammonium Halides Under High Pressure |
I.D. Brown | Modelling High Pressure Structures using the Bond Valence (Ionic) Model |
J.D. Bass | P-V Equation of State of Minerals by Brillouin Scattering:Gh Pressure Mineralogy |
V.V. Chernyshev | Molecular Crystal Structures from Laboratory Powder Diffraction Data: Reliability and Reproducibility of the Results |
S. Brenner | Using Structure Envelopes as Masks in Structure Solution from Powder Data |
G. Engel | Structure Determination from Powder Data |
H. Ehrenberg | Structure Determination of Two Lithium-4 halogenomethylbenzoates from Powder Diffraction Data |
W. Lasocha | Crystal Structures from X-ray Powder Data |
K.D.M. Harris | Solving Molecular Crystal Structures from Powder Diffraction Data using Genetic Algorithms |
M.U. Schmidt | Crystal Structures of Flexible Organic Molecules Determined from Powder Data |
M. Tremayne | Direct Space Strategies for Structure Solution |
G. Böttger | Antiferromagnetic Ordering of the Rare Earth Ions R3+ in R2Ba4Cu 7O15-d (R = Er, Dy) |
D. Viterbo | Unconventional N-H× × × × H-Os Hydrogen Bond in an Imino Triosmium Complex |
D. Hashizume | Estimation of Effects of Substituents on Crystal Packing by Forming Mixed Crystals |
P. Burkhard | Structure, Formation and Interaction of Coiled-Coils: From Leucine Zippers to Intermediate Filaments |
E. Molins | The Hydrogen Bond Strength in Terms of the Topological Properties of the Electron Density Distribution |
F. Bachechi | Molecular Complexes for the Study of Enantiodiscriminative Processes |
E.J. Collins | Peptide Binding and T Cell Recognition of Class I MHC Molecules |
N.A. Larsen | Crystallographic Analysis of the Syn Elimination Abzyme 1D4 |
A. Jafferji | The Investigation of the Structure and Function of Denitrifying Enzymes |
S.J. Cooper | The X-ray Structure of ‘Prismane’ Protein Containing Two Novel 4 Fe Clusters |
C.S. Bond | The Structure of Auracyanin, a ‘Blue’ Copper Protein from Chloroflexus Aurantiacus |
R.A. Edwards | High Resolution Structures of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase |
A. Henriksen | Completion of the Plant Peroxidase Reaction Cycle |
D.W.N. Edington | The Effect of High Pressure on the Phase Separation and Gelation of Agarose in Water |
R. Winter | Effect of Pressure on the Stability and Phase Behaviour of Lyotropic Lipid Mesophases and Model Membrane Systems |
R.H. Templer | Does High Pressure Stabilise Lyotropic Inverse Bicontinuous Cubic Phases? |
A.M. Beatty | Beyond the First Dimension: Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials Assembled via Hydrogen Bonds |
E.V. Anokhina | Open Framework Engineering in Niobium Oxochloride Cluster Chemistry |
M.A. Spackman | Towards a Pictorial Glossary of Intermolecular Interactions |
J.J. McKinnon | Using Hirshfeld Surfaces to Visualise Intermolecular Interactions in Polymorphic Systems |
R.D. Rogers | Application of Crystal-Engineered Tetrapyridylporphyrin Complex-Es to Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Assembly on a Gold Surface |
T.A. Land | Crystals by Design: In situ Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Surface Growth Morphology and Kinetics |
B.M. Kariuki | Interactions Involving C≡C–H Groups in Crystalline Solids |
I.D. Williams | Neutron and X-ray Studies of N-H--O/ N—H-O Hydrogen Bond Tautomerism in Bipyridinium Pyromellitates |
R.E. Davis | Approximate Symmetry in Crystal Engineering: Packing Energies of Racemates and Quasiracemates |
K.A. Wheeler | Approximate Symmetry As a Tool to Generate Molecular Motifs |
E.A. Stepantsov | Grain Boundaries and Their Regular Stacks for High Temperature Superconducting Microelectronics |
L.M. Rogers | Lanthanide Ions As Part of the Crystal Engineer's Tool Box |
J.A. Cowan | The Interaction of N-Hetrocyclic Carbenes with Organic Acids |
J.K. Maurin | Hydrogen Bonds Between Oxime and Carboxyl Groups—Useful Tool for Crystal Engineering |
E.I. Suvorova | Electron Diffraction from Micro- and Nanoparticles |
P. Geuens | An Analytic Expression in Closed Form for the Electron Exit Wave |
P.N.H. Nakashima | Comparison of Accurate X-ray and Electron Diffraction Determined Structure Factors for a -Al2O3 |
X.Z. Li | HREM Study and Structure Modelling of the h ' Phase in Age-Hardening Al-Zn-Mg Alloys |
D. Golberg | High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy of Fullerenes and Nanotubes in Boron Nitride |
A. Avilov | Quantitative High Resolution Electron Diffraction for Determination of the Electrostatic Potential |
V. Hansen | Electron Diffraction Intensities from Particles and Zones in a Matrix. Gp-Zones in an AlMgZn Alloy |
K. Tsuda | Refinement of Crystal Structural Parameters by Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction |
S. Hovmöller | Quasicrystal Approximants in the Ga–Mn System Studied by Electron Crystallography |
J.S. Forrester | In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of PZn-Pt Piezoelectric Single Crystal Under an Applied Voltage |
R. Waser | Point Defects and Extended Defects in the Perovskite-Structured Titanates |
B.N. Kodess | Synthesis, Structure and Elect-Ron Density Distribution of SrFeO(3-x) and (Sr-Ba)TiO3 |
C.J. Howard | Experimental Studies of Octahedral Tilting in Perovskites |