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The Lecture Theatres There are seven lecture theatres in use: The Clyde auditorium which can hold 3,000 people, but we will use only the lower levels. The Lomond auditorium which holds about 600 people. Four lecture theatres named after Scottish Lochs each of which holds 200-220 people: The Gala lecture theatre which holds 120. All lecture theatres contain the following: Overheads Although these facilities are available in each hall, the Clyde auditorium is very large and the images can be unclear with keystoning and other distortions giving problems. Slides are much preferred in the Clyde auditorium, although you can use overheads if really necessary, and the two overhead projectors will be 16 feet apart. Slides Single and dual image projection is available in all halls. All projection is front projection. Slides should be checked in at the Presentation Preview Room situated in the Leven Room in the Seminar Suite at the SECC. You will be given a carousel in which to place them and they can be previewed. Technicians will arrange for the slides to be at the correct session on time. This means you must check slides in the afternoon before a morning session and the morning before an afternoon session. If you are speaking on the morning of the 5th August then check in before 9.00am that morning. Slides will be available for collection from the Presentation Preview Room 30 minutes after your session has ended. Computer Projection Computer projection facilities are available in all halls. You can either use your own computer or the one provided. If you bring your own: If you are using SECC Computers: Video Projection Each lecture theatre has video projection facilities. These use the UK PAL-VHS system. We can also display NTSC-VHS tapes, but we must have 24hrs notice of this to ensure that the correct video player is in place in your lecture theatre. It is essential that you check the video for compatibility by taking it to the Presentation Preview Room situated in the Leven Room in the Seminar Suite at the SECC. If you are speaking in the morning check-in the afternoon before your talk; if you are speaking in the afternoon check-in the morning before your session. If you are speaking on the morning of the 5th August then check in before 9.00am that morning. Make sure the tape is cued to the starting point of the presentation. The technicians will take your tape to the lecture theatre. Videos will be available for collection from the Presentation Preview Room 30 minutes after your session has ended. If you have queries e-mail: iucr99@chem.gla.ac.uk |