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Synchrotron Radiation Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, England Organiser Bob Cernik 1st - 4th August 1999 This 3½ day meeting will cover a wide range of crystallographic and imaging topics utilising synchrotron radiation. The meeting is called ``From Source to Science'' and will have five main sections covering coherence; high resolution studies; polarisation; anomalous scattering and dynamic experiments. Each section will have talks and discussions on the type of source, insertion device, optics and experimental system necessary to optimise investigations in physics, chemistry, materials and biology. The programme is now available at http://srs.dl.ac.uk/iUCR/Satellite_Programme.htm Buses will be available to transfer delegates to Glasgow on Wednesday 4th. The meeting will begin informally on Sunday 1st with tours of the facility and will start in earnest on Monday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd. There will be a conference dinner on Tuesday evening. Buses will be provided late Wednesday morning to the main conference - there may also be a lecture early on that day.The cost will be £150 for full delegates and £100 for students. This price is inclusive of all meals, including the conference dinner, transport to Glasgow, a copy of the conference proceedings to be published as a special issue of the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, registration and transport after arrival. Accommodation has been arranged in local hotels, but is not included in the price. Daresbury Laboratory has limited accommodation in the lecture theatre so early registration is recommended. Preliminary information is available from RJ Cernik (r.j.cernik@dl.ac.uk) or Alison Mutch (a.mutch@dl.ac.uk) at Daresbury Laboratory, telephone + 44 (0) 1925 603363. Electronic registration and Abstract/Poster forms are now available on the WWW Structural & Dynamic Aspects of Molecular Ionic Solids Using Neutrons Merton College, Oxford. Organiser Colin Carlile 1st - 4th August 1999 The aim of this meeting is to provide a forum to discuss the advances in condensed matter science using neutron scattering with an emphasis on ionic and molecular solids. Both structural and dynamic aspects will be addressed, and progress in instrumentation and data handling will play a major part. There will be a tour of the ISIS Pulsed Neutron Source situated 25km south of Oxford. Sessions will include: Model organic structures; multicomponent materials; pharmaceutical and biological sciences; geology; advances in instrumentation and methods and the impact of computers on neutron scattering. The meeting will be held in Merton College Oxford, one of the oldest colleges of Oxford University, founded in 1264. Merton College borders on Christ Church Meadow where the River Thames flows on its way to London and beyond. Oxford, an ancient university city, is situated 80 kms North West of London. Charted coaches will take participants to Glasgow on 4th August. All accommodation will be in Merton College. Please note that there is a strict limit of 100 people for the meeting. Places will be allocated on a first come - first served basis. The all-inclusive meeting fee will be £250 per person and will include full accommodation and meals in Merton College, and transport to Glasgow. The Meeting is organised under the auspices of the ISIS Pulsed Source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and the Commission on Neutron Scattering of the IUCr. To ensure you receive further information please visit our website at: http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/conference/IUCrneutrons.htm and fill in the electronic form or contact Colin Carlile on c.j.carlile@rl.ac.uk. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre Databases, Knowledge Bases and Software Systems CANCELLED Unfortunately the IUCr Satellite Meeting, Databases, Knowledge Bases and Software Systems due to be held at the CCDC from 14 to 19 August 1999 has been cancelled. However, the one day IUCr Workshop, the Cambridge Structural Database, will take place as planned on 4 August 1999 at the SECC in Glasgow. Crystallographic Computing School To be held at Hinxton, nr. Cambridge. Organisers Gerard Bricogne and Anne Bloomer 14th - 20th August 1999 Crystallographic Computing School on "Frontiers in Computational Crystallography".Saturday 14th August (evening) to Friday 20th August (morning),Hinxton Conference Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. The School will provide a forum for an in-depth survey of the mathematical and computational aspects of structure determination and refinement techniques across the main branches of crystallography(small molecules, macromolecules, powders, fibres, aperiodic structures, as well as charge, spin and magnetisation density studies) and will aim at fostering a maximum degree of unification between them. It will consist of morning and evening lectures, afternoon tutorials, discussion periods and hands-on teaching, as well as poster presentations and short oral presentations from junior participants. The number of participants (other than lecturers) is strictly limited to 80. If necessary, applicants will be selected on the basis of an even distribution across the various fields covered and a proven interest and ability in innovative methods development. The School will be held at the Genome Campus at Hinxton, where accommodation and all meals will be provided. Further information - including programme, speakers, abstract submission procedures, fees and payment methods - will be posted on the Web at http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/IUCr99/School.html Application forms may be requested by e-mail from IUCr99@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk or by normal mail from: IUCr 1999 Computing School, c/o Structural Studies Division, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England. Late application may still be possible. |