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D. Ockwell | Low Resolution Phasing of Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) using the Program FSEARCH |
M. Mukherjee | Ab initio Phasing of a Protein, Pseudoazurin at 1.55 Å Resolution by Direct Method |
K.M. Andersson | A Translation-Packing Function for Positioning a Protein Molecule using Very Low Order Reflections |
W. Shepard | Towards Macromolecular Envelope Determination using Anomalous Dispersion and Contrast Variation |
H. Jerabkova | Crystallisation of HIV-1 Protease in the Complex with Peptidomimetic Inhibitors |
I. Dobrianov | In-Situ Study of Dehydration-Induced Relaxation and Disorder in Protein Crystals |
K.N. Rao | The Crystallisation and Crystal Structure of a Bowman-Birk Inhibitor from Vigna Unguiculata |
C.L. Caylor | "How Do Macromolecular Impurities Create Disorder in Protein Crystals?" |
M.J. Maher | Purification and Crystallisation of Recombinant Hamster Dihydroorotase |
H. Matsumura | Crystallisation and Crystallographic Studies of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Maize |
A. Moreno | The Importance of the Isoelectric Point in Protein Crystallisation |
V.M. Bolaños-García | The Use of Merged Protein Crystallisation Techniques for the Study of Protein Nucleation Phenomena |
E.A. Karpova | Role of Purity of Restriction Endonuclease EcoRII in the Crystallisation Process of this Enzyme |
A. Freer | Purification and Crystallisation of Myelin Basic Protein |
C.K. Engel | Internal Carrier Proteins for the Improvement of the Crystallisation Potential of Membrane Proteins |
A. Hörnberg | Crystallisation of Transthyretin Locked in Amyloid Fold |
M. Unno | Two Crystal Forms of 20S Proteasome from Bovine Liver |
J.J. Müller | Characterisation and Crystallisation of a Novel Sarcocystis muris Lectin |
C. Didierjean | Effects of an External Electric Field on the Proteins Crystallisation |
N. Kudo | Crystallisation of a Putative Transcription Factor, ASNC and 3-Methyl Adenine Glycosylase from a Hyper-thermophilic Archaebacterium, Pyrococcus sp. OT3 |
T. Sato | Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme Within High Magnetic-Field Environment |
C. Qian | A Rational Approach to Grow and Treat Crystals of hCMV Protease and its Inhibitor Complex |
A. Powell | Investigation of Rat Brain L-3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase and its Role in Alzheimer's Disease |
M.D. Baker | The Crystal Structure of Superantigen Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin A1 with Zinc at 2.8 Å Resolution |
M. Suwalsky | Structural Studies on the Toxic Effects of Organochlorine Pesticides |
M. Harel | 3d Structures of Drosophila Acetylcholinesterase: Implications for Insecticide Design |
M. Ghosh | Structure of Human Transthyretin Complexed with Environmental Pollutants: A New Mode of Binding |
H. Wille | Low Resolution Projection Maps of Scrapie Prion Protein Crystals from Reverse Micellar Solutions |
M. Knapp | Tetanus Toxin Ganglioside Binding Domain, 1.57 Å Native and Derivative Structures |
M.C. Lawrence | Metal Transport in Pneumococcal Virulence |
A. Wojtczak | Crystal Structure of Rat Transthyretin Complex with tetra-iodothyroacetic acid at 1.8 Å Resolution |
C. Fotinou | Tetanus Toxin Hc and Cognate Carbohydrates |
T. Eneqvist | Structural Studies of the Highly Amyloidogenic Transthyretin Mutant G53S/E54D/L55S |
L. Fábián | A Volumetric Measure of Isostructurality |
O. Navon | Solid State Investigation on the Polymorphic System of aprobarbital-5-allyl-5-isopropylbarbituric acid |
J. Slowikowska | Phase Transitions in H2T(4–OC12H25)PP by Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometry |
P.K. de Perazzo | Ba2[Cu(HCOO)6], Thermal Behaviour and Crystal Structure of the Room Temperature Phase |
A. Ellern | Molecular Packing and Polymorphism in Inorganic Fluorides |
R. Singh | An In Depth Study of Growth Spirals on CdI2 Crystals in Relation to the Formation of Polytypes |
M. Johansson | Polymorphs of Dimethylsulfide-dinitrato palladium(II) |
G. Wójcik | Thermally Induced Transformations in m–nitroaniline Crystal |
K. Simon | Investigating the Structures of Polymorphic Pairs |
C. Bilton | Analysis of Probability of Formation of Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Rings |
T. Nemoto | Dehydration Process of Cu Oxinate Dihydrate–Generation of Twinning |
J.S. Prasad | Crystal Structure of a Novel Dimesogen |
U.J. Griesser | Statistical Aspects of the Occurrence of Crystal Forms Among Organic Drug Substances |
T. Ogawa | Structure of a-Form Quinacrid-One by Electron Crystallography |
R.C. Haltiwanger | Polymorphism and its Effects on the Solid State Photodimerisation of a LTB4 Antagonist Drug Candidate |
T.P. Shakhtshneider | The Role of H-Bonds in the Anisotropy of Structural Distortion of Paracetamol at High Pressure |
C. Alvarez-Rúa | New Members in the Family of Non-Classical Heterophanes |
C.K. Broder | Unusual C-H…Π Hydrogen Bonding |
D. Kozma | Racemic Compound Formation vs. Conglomerate Formation Among the Acidic Salts of a -Phenylethylamine with Achiral Dicarboxylic Acids |
A.E. Goeta | Understanding Nitroanilines using Neutron Diffraction |
S.E. Lawrence | Hydrogen Bonded Adducts Between Triphenyl silanol and Aromatic Amines |
N.G. Naumov | Localisation of Hydrogen and H-Bonding in Cluster Chalcocyanide Hydrates |
K. Stadnicka | Two Aspects of Chirality in Organic Crystals Resulting from Optical Activity |
S. Kashino | Structures and Short Hydrogen Bonds of Acid Salts of Glutaconic Acid |
A.N. Karmakar | Structure of 2'–chloroazo benzene–2–sulphenyl bromides |
H. Stoeckli-Evans | Hydrogen Bonding in bis–(2–pyridyl) pyrazine dicarboxylic acids |
Y. IImura | Hydrogen Bonding in the Structure of tris (hydroxydimethyl arsine oxide) hydrogen triiodide |
J. Bernstein | Disappearing and Reappearing Polymorphs |
S. Rastogi | Pharmaceutical Application of High Temperature XRD Under Controlled Relative Humidity |
F. Iwasaki | Disordered Structure of a Mixture of the N-O- Radical and the N-OH Derivative of 6,6–bis–(p–tolyl)–5,6–dihydro phenanthridin–N–oxyl |
T.F. Koetzle | A Study of the N–H…H–B Hydrogen Bond Including the Crystal Structure of Borane-Amine, BH3NH3, by Neutron Diffraction |
A. Jacobs | Inclusion Compounds of an Acetylenic Alcohol Host |
J.E. Šponer | Chemical Properties of Transition Metal Cations in Ion Exchanged Zeolites. An ab initio Study |
M. Hikam | Identification and Enrichment of Indonesian Zeolite using Cation Floatation Method |
O.V. Yakubovich | Minerals and Synthetic Compounds with Open Framework Structures: New Data |
J.G. Nery | A Study of the New Ion Exchanged Derivatives of Highly Crystalline Low-Silica Map |
F. Stief | A 69/71Ga and 29Si MAS NMR Study of Zeolite-Analogue Galloalumosilicates with Cancrinite Structure |
C.L. Lengauer | Structure Refinement of As-Synthesised VPI-5 at 295 and 90 K |
B. Posnatzki | A Spectroscopic Study on Structure Controlling Parameters in Organothermal Syntheses of Cancrinite |
C. Baehtz | Tetrathiafulvalene and tetra cyano–p–quinodi methane in Faujasite |
S. Vratislav | Powder Neutron Diffraction and 13C MAS NMR Studies of Nay Zeolites with Chemisorbed Methyl Groups |
G. Cruciani | Location of Brønsted Sites in D-Mordenites by Neutron Powder Diffraction |
M.C. Dalconi | Structure Refinements of Co-Ferrierites |
D.Y. Lee | The Calculation of Anharmonic Motion and Disordering of Cations in the Structure of K1-XTlxTiOPO4 Crystals |
G. Bocelli | Structural Characteristics of Flux Grown Crystals of the NdAl3(BO3)4-GdAl3(BO3)4 System |
E.P. Shvanskii | Crystallisation and Structural Characterisation of La,Nd Borosilicates |
E.V. Koporulina | (Y,Gd)Al3(BO3)4 and (Y,Nd)Al3(BO3)4 Solid Solutions with Device Potential: Crystal Growth, Composition and Structure |
E. Sváb | Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Study of Yttrium-Aluminium Borate |
H. Hellwig | Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of BiB3O6 (BIBO) |
P. Becker | Crystal Growth and Spectroscopic Properties of Re : BiB3O6 (Re = Pr, Gd, Eu, Er). |
L. Wen | Structure and Properties of the Crystals in the RbTiOPO4-CsTiPO5 System |
G.J. Gainsford | The Crystal Structures of Two Extended p-Bridged Optically Nonlinear Chromophores |
B. Etschmann | LiNbO3 Revisited |
J. Albertsson | Neutron Diffraction Studies on Mixed Crystals of RbTioAsO4 and CsTioASo4 |
H. Ohsato | Crystal Structure and Piezo-Electric Properties of La, Pr and Nd Langasite |
J. Almgren | Electron Density in Rb(Cs)TiOAsO4 from Synchrotron Radiation Data |
S.Y. Mao | Na4CO3H2(PO4)4..8 H2O with a New Structure Type |
R.B. Neder | Structure and Defect Structure of Templated Substituted ALPO-5 |
S-L. Wang | Extended Frameworks Structures Encapsulating Facial {MoO3} Core |
K-H. Lii | Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Gallium Phosphates: [Ga4(C10H9N2)2 (PO4)(H0.5PO4)2(HPO4)2(H2PO4)2(H2O)2] and [Ga5(OH)2 (C10H9N2)(C2O4)(PO4)4] |
J. Felsche | The Antagonistic Thermal Expansion Effect in Zeolites: A Single Crystal Study on the Guest/Host Interactions of Zeolite NaX |
E. Nishibori | The Endohedral Structures of Scandium Metallo-Fullerenes |
F. Marumo | Electron Density Distribution in Fayalite Determined with Synchrotron Data |
S. Kuze | Bond Characters of MnS2 by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Molecular Orbital Calculations |
B. Brummerstedt Iversen | Maximum Entropy Electron Density Analysis of Chemical Interactions in Anhydrous Sodalites |
S. Yamamura | Electron and Nuclear Densities of Hydrogen in KDP and ADP by Maximum Entropy Method |
T. Ikeda | Multi-Pole Analysis of Hexa-Methylenetetramine in Real Space using MEM Electron Densities |
A.A. Pinkerton | Charge Density Data Sets from 1 and 2 K CCD Detectors, Mo and Ag Radiation, N2 and He Cooling |
N.G. Fernandes | Experimental Electron Density on Cobalt Bishydrogenmaleate Tetra-hydrate |
Y. Kubota | A Charge Density Study on the Inter-Metallic Compounds MgZn2 and MgCu2 by the Maximum Entropy Method |
M. Sakata | Some Characteristics of MEM Charge Densities Obtained from Uniform Prior Densities in Collins' Formalism |
B.L. Rodrigues | An Electron Density Study of Urea-Phosphoric Acid Adduct at 100 K |
M.D. Carducci | The Charge Density Analysis of 1,4,8,11-Tetrathiacyclotetradecane using CCD Data |
J. Tafto | Determination of Charge Transfer and Ionicity by Electron Diffraction |
J-M. Savariault | Electron Density in Vanadium Pentoxide |
K. Tanaka | Crystal Orientation Determination in VCIP Method for Accurate Measurements |
U. Jaenicke-Roessler | Structural Properties and Electron Density Distribution of LuNi2B2C |
A.T.H. Lenstra | X-ray Structure Bias Due to Wavelength Dispersion |
G.M. Kuz'micheva | Structural Peculiarities of LiGaO2 |
E.P. Kokanyan | Electric Field as Instrument for Obtaining ‘as-grown’ Periodic Poled Lithium Niobate Crystals |
T.O. Chaplina | Periodically Poled Czochralski-grown Lithium Niobate Single Crystal |
C.M. Whang | Growth and Optical Properties of Nd-Doped Bi4Ge3O12 Single Crystals |
R.H. Mathiesen | X-ray Imaging of Alloy Solidification Processes |
R.M. Grechishkin | Gas-Bubble Entrapment in TeO2 Single Crystals |
R.D. Xia | Compositional Distribution and Defects of HgCdTe Crystal Growing in Magnetic Field |
P. Mohan | Growth of High Mobility InSb Crystals by Vertical Bridgman Method |
L.J. Soltzberg | Growth Rate and Morphology of Water-soluble Ionic Crystals: Modelling with Coulomb-Only Potentials |
J.H. Jung | Numerical Simulation and Observation of the Growth Difference Along the Polar Axis of LiB3O5 |
J.C. Osborn | Identification of Cleavage Planes in Salts using Molecular Modelling |
T. Ohachi | Facet Formation of Ag2S Small Crystals Equilibrated with Solid Ag |
L. Dubrovinsky | X-ray Diffraction Under Non-Hydrostatic Conditions |
I.N. Goncharenko | Micro: A Neutron Diffractometer, Specialised for High Pressure Magnetic Studies |
S.A. Belmonte | Texture as an Aid to Indexing and Structure Solution in Powder Diffraction |
Y. Zhao | Correction of Diffraction Optics and P-V-T Data using Multiple Thermoelastic Equations of State |
M.L. Raves | Joint Refinement of a Protein Structure Against NMR and X-ray Data |
C-H. Lin | Hydrothermal Synthesis & Characterisation of U-Porous Zinc-Gallium Phosphate [N2C6H16][Ga2Zn2P4O16] |
N.L. Lunina | The Connectivity-Based Choice in Macromolecular Low Resolution ab initio Phasing |
Q. Hao | Ab initio Phasing using Molecular Envelope from X-ray Solution Scattering |
C.E. Naylor | The Structure of Clostridium Perfringens Alpha-Toxin: A Gangreneous Tale |
B. Bouma | Insight into the Cardiolipin Binding by Human b 2-Glycoprotein I, a Key Step in ‘Anti-Phospholipid-Syndrome’ |
J. Li | Structure of Bacillus Thuringiensis D-Endotoxin CRY1AC and Location of its Receptor Binding Sites |
L.W. Finger | Single Crystal Diffractometry at High Pressures |
J. Chen | Combined CCD/Imaging Plate Detection System for Monochromatic XRD Studies at High Pressures and Temperatures at the X-17 Beamline, Nsls |
Y. Barrans | First Coupling of Low Temperature and High Pressure Techniques for Molecular Crystal X-ray Structures |
D. Madsen | Powder or Single Crystal Structure – Exemplified by bCo-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 |
P. Delarue | Evolution Towards Centrosymmetry of the NLO Material RbTiOPO4 in the Temperature Range 293 –973 K |
B. Nicolai | Anomalous CH3 Rotational Dynamics and Crystal Structure of Manganese Acetate |
A. Lewit-Bentley | The Structural Basis of Protein Recognition by S100 Ef-Hand Proteins |
E. Howard | Resolution Improvement to 0.9 Å in Crystals of Human Aldose Reductase |
M.A. Perozzo | Quantitative Modelling of Molecular Features Observed on the (110) Face of Tetragonal Lysozyme |
M. Soriano-García | Crystal Quality Analyses by X-ray Diffraction of Proteins Grown by New and Classical Techniques |
M.L. Pusey | Fluorescence Studies of Protein Crystal Nucleation |
E. Garman | Identification of Anions and Cations in Proteins using a Scanning Proton Microprobe (SPM) |
N.E. Chayen | Crystallisation and X-ray Structural Studies on the Caroteno Astaxanthin Proteins |
R.A. Judge | The Effect of Impurities on Protein Crystal Growth: Case Studies on Earth and in Microgravity |
T.L. Bray | Dynamically Controlled Protein Crystal Growth: New Hardware and Recent Results |
S.P. Cape | The Role of Mg2+ Ions in the Crystallisation of an Oligonucleotide |
E.L. Forsythe | The Effect of pH on the Growth Rates of Tetragonal Lysozyme Crystals |
A. Dewaele | High-Pressure and High Temperature Equation of State of Periclase |
K. Ohwada | Pressure Effect on Phase Transition in NaV2O5 |
D.E. Sklovsky | Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes at Pressures Up to 9.0 GPa |
M.M. Abd-Elmeguid | Pressure-Induced Transition from Eu (4f) to Co (3d) Magnetism In EuCo2P2 |
M.C. Moron | Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions Under High Pressure in the AMnF4 (A = Cs, Rb, K) Series |
D. Chasseau | X-ray Crystal Structures of Molecular Conductors at Low Temperature and Under High Pressure |
H. Birkedal | Synchrotron Radiation Charge Density Study of Urea using a Six-Circle Diffractometer |
Z.A.D. Lethbridge | New Inorganic-Organic Open Frameworks |
I.D. Williams | Stable Crystalline Microporous Solids from Linked Metal Borate Cluster Assemblies |
N. Blagden | Disappearing Polymorphs and the Role of Impurities and Reaction By-products |
S. Yoshida | Phase Transition by Grinding of Salicylidenebenzylamines. Remark-Able Change in the Chromic Behaviour |