This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXVIII Congress at Glasgow in 1999. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.

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Glasgow IUCR99

Welcome to the home page of the XVIII IUCR Congress to be held in Glasgow , Scotland from 4-13th August 1999.

The University of Glasgow has a long tradition in crystallography. From 1942 to 1970 J.M. Robertson held the Gardiner Chair of Chemistry and established Glasgow as a major centre for crystallography. In particular his work on phthalocyanine structures showed how isomorphous replacement could be used to obtain phase information. Robertson established a school of crystallography which was to become world famous where many leading crystallographers obtained their training.

General conference enquires should be sent to

Nature Structural Biology

Crystallography, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, G12 8QQ. Tel: 041 339 8855
Produced by Adrian Lapthorn
        and Chris Gilmore